Title links in Carousel are not working was created by Felipe
Title links in Carousel are not working. I would like them to send the reader to the respective video page. Furthermore, would it be possible to have a button on Carousel with a link to the vídeo category with all the videos - the same page as the menu link - like what we have in the Gallery module?
Thanks in advance
Replied by Administrator on topic Title links in Carousel are not working
Q1. Title links in Carousel are not working. I would like them to send the reader to the respective video page.
When you use our "Thumbnails Only" slider layout, the titles are automatically linked to the single video pages. But, sorry that this is not possible with the other slider layout. No worries. I have taken a note of this now. So, our next version would have an option for this. Kindly be patient.
Q2. Furthermore, would it be possible to have a button on Carousel with a link to the vídeo category with all the videos - the same page as the menu link - like what we have in the Gallery module?
I understand that you speak about the "More Button" option in our gallery module. I promise that our next version would have an option for this. Kindly be patient.