Suggestions: Vid plays on FireFox/Not on Safari or Chrome was created by Bob Nelson
Utilizing All Video Share 3.6.1
Joomla 3.10.10
PHP 7.4.15
Uploaded Vid size: 185.3 MB
Max Upload Size set to: 512M
Created two Videos, one direct upload, and one referenced.
Referenced video plays across al Browsers without issue
Uploaded video plays in it's entirety with Forfox (103.0.02) but shows only a black box for Chrome (104.0.5112.79) and Safari (15.6)
Replied by Administrator on topic Suggestions: Vid plays on FireFox/Not on Safari or Chrome
In reality, the videos are decoded and played by the browsers themselves and we just add a wrapper to the browser's video player. So, we should always adapt to the browser's restrictions.
I doubt the video codec used by your video file is not compatible with the web browsers.
Kindly re-encode your video file using Handbrake
(Free) tool. Then upload the re-encoded file.
Handbrake is a FREE encoder which you can use to re-encode your videos. Kindly refer to the "Encoding H.264 Video with HandBrake" section in
for more details.