I see that you are adding YouTube videos but by selecting the "Source Type" as "Self Hosted / External URL" in your video form.
Instead, kindly select the "Source Type" as "YouTube URL" and add your video URL in the "YouTube URL" field.
Regarding the License Key:
We use the Joomla's native
URI::root() function to detect the site URL. But, we a strange issue on your website. We see that your website address includes capital letters and that fails with the license key validation.
1. Kindly open the file below,
2. Find the line (#113) below,
'siteURL' => URI::root(),
3. Replace it as follows,
'siteURL' => strtolower( URI::root() ),
4. Save the changes and check now.
Hope this solved your issue!
I promise that our next version would include this fix. So, no worries about the future updates.